Why doesn't the template I downloaded display the same as it does on your site?
If you have altered the layout in the HTML document or the CSS file, chances are that the graphics and content areas will look different. If you read my terms of use, you will find that this is one
of the particulars that is not allowed unless you have my written permission. If you do have my permission, please contact me so that I can assist you with this.
Do I have to use all the elements of a template?
As long as you do not insert other graphics to replace the ones you do not use, you may omit items from your display. (Example: If the set you have chosen has button navigation that you would rather
not use, you may use text links instead.)
I belong to webrings that require that I use their graphic on my site. Do you allow this with your linkware templates?
Yes. Webring fragments, blinks, gift graphics and other personal visual items are permitted.
The graphics of the template aren't displaying.
Chances are that you have put the images in a separate sub directory. The HTML document I provide for you has the images written into the same directory as the HTML document. To correct this problem,
you have 2 options:
You can attune the HTML document and CSS so that the sub directory is included in the URL of the images. [example: images/bg1.png]
orYou can move the images to the directory where the HTML document and CSS file is.
What does a CSS do?
A CSS -- Cascading Style Sheet -- manipulates how your web page will look and is put into the head section of your HTML document or is separate and linked in the head section of
your HTML document. [more info. here]
How do I set up one of your templates that uses an external CSS file?
All you need to do is upload the CSS file into the same directory where you have the page using the linkware template. You may need to refresh the page in order for the CSS file to grab hold to the
HTML document. Although some people have successfully used a CSS file that is placed in a directory/sub directory different than the HTML document, it doesn't always work.
Do you test the templates in different browsers?
Yes. I test in Internet Explorer, FireFox, and Opera. I do not text in Netscape because the formatting of Firefox is so similar. I feel that there isn't a reason to take up the space on my hardrive
with it.
Can I purchase individual graphics for one of your linkware templates?
Some of my linkware are "As Is" web sets. Please contact me, being sure to include the name of the template and the graphics you want in your
inquiry. If the template is not an "As Is" one, I will offer a quote. I do not accept payment through the Internet because of the increase in crime. All payments must be sent through postal mail in
the form of a cashier's check or a money order. More information will be sent by email with your free quote.
Can I purchase one of your linkware templates?
No. All linkware templates are created using photos from CDs I have purchased or I have been given permission to use from the owner. Both are protected under Copyright laws that I will not infringe
on. Please check out GJ Designs for custom-designed templates
If you have questions that have not been answered on this page, contact me.
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